The Best Halloween Costumes for Couples
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My husband and I love to dress up. We love using what is popular in the media to draw ideas from. And we love to make people laugh. So, Halloween is the perfect excuse to have fun and be creative!
Here are some of our best couples costumes from years past and an explanation of how you can recreate these for yourself. You can do these as friends, and of course add characters and others in to make them into group Halloween costumes too.
DIY Couples Costumes:
Jack (Jack in the Box) and Hamburger: I would have ultimately wanted just a hamburger but back in the olden days (early 2000s) they didn’t have too many of those (and the good ones were close to $100…. nope). Today you could easily get one here, which is so convenient. We made the Jack head with a big outdoor light (found at a lighting store; he could barely hear or see, so I led him around when he wore it). And the face is made of electrical tape and the nose and hat were made from things I found at the party store and spray painted. You will learn to use hot glue and spray paint a lot making a costume.

Napoleon Dynamite and Friend: You can go many ways with this costume. Kip, Deb, Tina the Llama or in this case Pedro. Deb was too basic and it was way more fun for me to don a mustache than a side ponytail. We did buy the Napoleon accessory kit and the Pedro accessory kit, found here. Then we thrifted the clothing. We could not find the shoes ANYWHERE! My husband finally found some at a thrift store, but they were two left shoes that were 2 sizes too small (how on earth that was possible is a mystery.) His right foot REALLY hurt by the end of the night, but it was oh so worth it. The shoes were too perfect to pass up. You can find them more easily and in the right size here. I found cowboy boots at the thrift store along with a perfect button up shirt. Minimal effort required for big laughs. It also helped that my husband actually resembled Napoleon Dynamite……not sure how I feel about that…

Guess Who Characters: Again, because of the nature of this costume, more characters could always be added for fun. This is one to make when you have an hour to get ready. We bought big styrofoam boards and plain colored shirts at Walmart or already made here, cut the center of the boards out to be empty in the middle. Printed out the wording at home on the computer and glued them on. We used some paint for our shirts and we found the characters we wanted to be on the game board to match. So you could do more or less depending on who you choose. Find accessories here and here.

Willy Wonka and an Oompa Loompa: Or pick and chose which character from the classic Gene Wilder movie you want to be. This one required some prep but was a lot of fun. Wes thrifted all his clothing options. Easy enough, but a little time consuming to find the right fit, so you can buy everything easily and for pretty cheap here. I actually had to implore the help of my mom and her sewing machine for the Oompa Loompa. I bought white baseball pants, and found a plain brown turtle neck. With a stop at Joann’s I found the material I needed to put together the suspenders and material for the details on the clothing. I bought this wig, and lots of costume paint for my face. You can get the costume here or just accessories here. It was crazy, I was super orange, but this is a favorite of ours. Add this one in and it would be amazing.

Mafia and body: We were invited to a “Mafia Party” around Halloween, which was so fun. Have you ever played the game mafia? Anyway, everyone was asked to dress up in costume. Which was fun. We decided to go as a member of the mafia (gangster) and a dead body. I don’t think I’ve ever done an easier costume. Suspenders and a hat for the man (he wore clothes he already owned for the rest). If you are really committed you will grow out a real mustache too. If not, get the whole accessory kit here. I literally duck taped myself in the driveway in a trash bag. He literally carried me over his shoulder into the party.

Mario and Luigi: Another fun homemade costume with things all found for cheap at a $5 dollar t-shirt store. But, Amazon will take care of you too with the basics; shirts here and hats here. Again, with some white felt and glue gun we created the costumes. And the thrift store for the overalls. Or, you can buy the whole costume all ready to go; Mario here and Luigi here. We had friends join and with a white shirt and paint, they turned it into a group costume. So cute.

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head: Okay talk about a glue gun burn or two or three or maybe each and every finger. This one was all done with felt and a glue gun. The best part of this costume was the parts really were interchangeable, just like the toy! If you can sew you are already ahead of the game. It was a looooong process making these, but now with Toy Story being popular we might have to bust these out and add in other characters. If you are fond of keeping your fingerprints, you might want to just buy the costumes here. They were really fun to be in!

Publishers Clearing House Winner: If you are leaving the house in thirty minutes, want to dress up all you need is poster board. We printed the words on the computer and used two poster boards taped together. Buuuut, you can use a big marker to write on it too and that would work just fine. Throw on a robe and literally do nothing at all to get ready. Wes wore one of his work suits and was done. I would have liked to add balloons and a microphone, but we ran out of time. And that’s what made this costume amazing… no time was just fine.

Send me your amazing Halloween costumes and make sure to subscribe to receive more family fun information!!!
To see family/group costume ideas see this post. And for kid’s costume ideas see this post.

Not always. It’s usually all or nothing with us. lol.
Andrea Millward
You guys always have the best costumes!
Melanie Parisi
I love the costumes. My birthday is Halloween so I love all the quirky costumes. 🎃
What a fun birthday. My second daughter was born on New Years Eve and it always makes for a fun night.