Easy Ways To Keep Kid’s Busy When it Rains
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California has been having some weird weather this year. I mean, it’s May and it’s still raining. Has that ever happened before? And I know we as a state need it, yadi yadi yada. But I am so over it. Bring on the sun!
The worst part is keeping parents kids sane when you can’t lock them outside. I mean, I would never do that or anything. //collar pull//
Here are 5 ways I keep my kids happy and occupied on rainy days:
- 1. Indoor museums: Children’s museums (which most cities have nearby) are a huge hit for my crew. And they are almost always inside, which makes them a winner for any and every season. Some of our favorites are The Discovery Cube in Orange County and Los Angeles, Pretend City in Irvine, Pennypickle’s Workshop in Temecula, and Kids Space in Pasadena. Obviously, there are so many more, but children’s museums are a fabulous places to spend a rainy day. You can also visit art museums, and history museums and use these days to teach and play simultaneously. My favorite is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art which I talked about here. And the California Science Center, which is free and incredible! I would encourage you to pay the minimal fee there to see the space shuttle though; because who doesn’t want to see a real life space shuttle?! The Natural History Museum is fantastic and The Aquarium of the Pacific is awesome!!! There are so many fun museums focusing on just about anything you can think of. Your best bet is to “google” X museum in (wherever you are located). You can put in “Children’s Museum, train museum, science museum, and it should show up. There are many all over the country.

- 2. Studio Tour: The WB has one of the best tours going. Go behind your favorite TV shows and movies to learn how the magic is created. Read more about it here. You might also want to look into being an audience member at a TV taping or game show. Always fun. And a unique indoor experience. The Dolby Theather also has a tour which gives VIP access to the home of the Academy Awards Ceremony and a behind the scenes look at where many popular events have taken place over the years.
- 3. Board games: If you’ve ever walked the game aisle at Target you know there is no shortage of options. Our favorites are Sorry, Uno, Phase 10, the kid’s version of Ticket to Ride and the hottest family game right now, Codenames. And kids LOVE when mom and dad join in, which will make them LOVE rainy days!
- 4. Create: Give your kids freedom and the opportunity to be bored and create without screens. My kids have made Lego movies, put on plays, and we’ve done countless crafting activities; thanks to more creative people on Pinterest. You will be surprised what a child will come up with if left to their own devices. I’ve also seen people who put together obstacle courses and things for their kids inside. With a little planning it could be a whole lotta fun! Find fun craft activities
- 5. Movies and cocoa: This could include going to an actual theater (I love to find the cheap ones when I am taking all my kids), and these can usually be found by looking up “discount movies in ___ enter your city”). Or just get cozy and put on a family favorite at home with a fire blazing while wearing pj’s. And did you know some places give out free things on rainy days? In-N-Out for instance gives out free kid’s hot chocolate! Perfect for snuggling up and watching a movie.
- 6. PLAY!: Put on some boots and grab an umbrella-or don’t. Get outside, splash and play around. The world seems different and fresh in the rain. Some of my favorite childhood memories are racing leaves in the overflowing gutters and playing with my mom and sister in a downpour! It’s sure to leave lasting memories.
Hopefully this helps next time California tries to be Seattle.
What’s your favorite rainy-day activity? Comment below!!!

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