New and Improved Chuck-E-Cheese: Where A Kid Can Be A Kid
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
This is a sponsored post for Chuck E. Cheese, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
If you haven’t been to Chuck E. Cheese for a while, you are in for a pleasant surprise. No longer will you find fluorescent lights and colorful neon wall paneling. The restaurant won’t smell of a large urine ball pit. And your kid’s won’t run terrified as large robotic creatures come to life to sing scary songs like something from a nightmare.
Our family was recently able to attend the grand reopening of the Rancho Cucamonga Chuck E. Cheese location and were so impressed by what they’ve done to the place. Not only does the location look so much nicer, but the focus has shifted to fresh food and fun for the whole family!

The new design highlights the pizza making process (which the kids really enjoyed looking at; think Mr. Roger’s neighborhood). The kitchen now has a window where kids and parents alike can watch the chefs in action.
The new space, likewise is bright and clean and appealing for parents; while still keeping the fun and energy kids go for and love.

The first thing we noticed upon entering was that the whole atmosphere was much more appealing for parents. With varied sized booths and tables, we were able to find a nice quiet area to eat with our family. The whole ambiance was warm, wood and more neutral colors making it far more welcoming.

However, the fun wasn’t missing even with the new design. Along with the older games our kids know and love, the restaurant has added new and improved games to the remodeled game room as well as a truly radical light up dance floor. Here kids can keep themselves entertained, or join Chuck E. Cheese for a dance party and ticket throw. All the kids came out winners, and they all thought it was absolutely fantastic!!!
Perhaps my favorite feature was Chuck E. Cheese’s new, programmable ‘tap-to-play’ Play Pass game card system. All You Can Play lets parents be the hero by giving kids free reign of Chuck E. Cheese to play as many games as they want asa many times as they want within the timeframe parents choose. A great value and convenient (when your time is up, you’re done – it’s that easy)! All You Can Play is a new way to play at Chuck E. Cheese that allows kids to play more games and win more tickets. It’s amazing and it takes away a lot of the previous stress of kids playing too fast and using up their money before the pizza even comes out. I am truly a huge fan of the all you can play pass! It also allows for one time freeze so kids can eat, or take a break before resuming the time.

Like I said, if it’s been a while since you’ve been, or maybe you’ve forgotten all about the fun Chuck E. Cheese can bring, it’s time to go back!!! It truly is a place where a kid can be a kid! Be the one to bring back the magic of childhood!