Crazy Cuizine: Easy Recipes Kids Can Make Themselves
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
I am a mom to 4 kids and each of them come with their own set of needs. My oldest plays the flute with her school band, has soccer 3 days a week, church activities she attends with kids her own age, friends, homework, etc. My second daughter has music lessons every week, plays on a different soccer team 3 times a week (which I also coach), and her school work. Then I have the littles; they want mom to hold them ALL. THE. TIME! I can’t let them out of my sight too long because, well, they are toddlers and anyone who has or had toddlers knows the damage that can be done in a matter of seconds. Case and point:

So, teaching my kids the basics to helping with household duties is a MUST. My oldest is at that sweet spot right now where she is more than capable when it comes to being actually helpful (opposed to toddlers being “helpful”) and she is anxious to do so.
Which means, now is the time to strike! I have been teaching her how to do her (and her sister’s) laundry, helping with chores like dishes, vacuuming, cleaning toilets, and the fun one, helping with meals.
My kids love to help in the kitchen. And teaching my 9 year old has been a sweet time for us to be together, but it also allows me some time to do other things while she is able to help around the house.
Crazy Cuizine has a line of Asian inspired entrees and appetizers that make meal time not only delicious but sooooo easy. ALL my kids love the food (that’s an accomplishment in itself!) I love that I only have to provide minimal supervision and still have a hot meal at home around the table with my family during these oh so busy days. I am a firm believer of having the family sit around the table during meals and we try to do so as often as possible, as difficult as it may be some days.
Try making this easy meal at home. Or better yet, teach your kids to cook so they can have that wonderful feeling of accomplishment, you get to teach them important life lessons while also getting some extra help along the way.
Fried rice with vegetables and orange chicken/teriyaki chicken (or both)
We used this recipe and did the rice together.
After that, we read the instructions for the remainder of the meal, and then I left her the boxes for the Crazy Cuizine Orange Chicken, and Teriyaki Chicken and she did the rest all on her own.

Teriyaki Chicken: Cook the chicken in a bit of vegetable oil for 6 min then pour the sauce on top. (Done and oh so good).

Orange Chicken: Dump the chicken on a cookie sheet, bake, then pour on the sauce. (Have I sold you yet?)

Seriously, these meals are so easy!!!!!!!!!!!! And the best part is that it tastes like take-out Chinese food, which is our favorite. But, it’s cheap, fast, easy to make and honestly mouth-wateringly good! Did I mention, it’s kid approved too.

You can find Crazy Cuizine in most freezer sections of your local supermarket. We found ours at Walmart. For more information click here.

Crazy Cuizine products are made with high-quality ingredients, and are entirely free of preservatives, trans fat and added MSG. I enjoy these products because they are fast (so necessary on our long busy days), and affordable family meals that add a burst of flavor and a punch of protein to everything from after school snacks to full-on family dinners that even the kids can help prepare.

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