How To Host Your Own Murder Mystery Dinner Party
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Make it a party people will be dying to come to!
We love a good party. We also love to dress up and act; maybe have an accent or eccentricity. And throw us some good food, we are there! So, a good ole’ classic, who done it, murder mystery dinner party is one of our favorite activities to attend and participate in. And while they may seem extravagant, the truth is, anyone can host a successful murder mystery party if you follow these easy steps.

Lucky for you, this part is easy thanks to the internet… and my own personal go to, Amazon. There are so many pre-planned party kits which include the theme, costume ideas, characters, you name it. All you have to do is pick one that sounds like something interesting for you based on your guests, the era of the game, or simply how you would like to decorate. The sky’s the limit here.
Something to consider when picking the theme is the amount of guests you plan on inviting. Each box will come with a set amount of characters so you need guests for each one. The game kit will also provide background information for each guest about their character, costume ideas, how to decorate, and some even come with invitations. Click the link below to order this one, or see more options like it.

Honestly in my opinion, this might be the most important step. So invite people who are fun and committed to the night. If guests don’t show or come late, it really puts a damper on the evening, especially if you are planning on a certain amount of people to go along with the script you chose. Guests should all come dressed and in “character” from the moment they enter. People who are too shy to act may take away from the excitement. When your guest receives their invitation they will also receive information on their part/character. Suggestions as to how they should act, what they should wear, etc. will be provided. The more devoted your guests are to their character and the mood, the more fun the night will be!

While it is not necessary for the food and decorations to match the theme it will definitely add to the ambiance and feel of the game if it does, and I would highly recommend it. So, be mindful when picking a theme to try and match the food and decorations to it. For example, we did one with a “casino” theme. All the decorations were very Vegas-like, with cards, and neon. The food was served to us by a “waiter” (one of the hosts in costume) on a platter with toothpicks. Another game we attended was themed by decade (late 60s), the food was given by assignment as a potluck; each guest was very good about choosing food from that era, which was awesome! So, how you plan your party, how much you want to do, or get help with is a personal choice. This is when being the host can be fun; so be creative!

Depending on the kit chosen the game can play out a bit differently. One we went to had a host who acted as the moderator. They had a bit more info than the rest of us and guided the game along throughout the evening. Another way we played is that no one knew anymore than anyone else. In each game however, each player is given a booklet of character information. The booklet informs you of background info you may want to conceal to the best of your abilities, as well as information on other characters to reveal. There are rounds of play within the booklet (and a big STOP at the bottom of the page so you don’t jump ahead of the game). Each round comes with new sets of clues and information. As the game plays out, you try and decipher the clues to figure out which devious character “done it!” It’s funny because even the murderer for most of the game has absolutely no idea until the end that they are the guilty party.
The point of these parties are to let loose and have fun! The atmosphere should be relaxed and enjoyable. A murder mystery party is guaranteed fun because no matter how the game plays out, what the decorations are, or how good the acting is, in the end all people will remember is that they had a great time with friends!

This is such a great party idea !! Thanks for all the tips. Love reading your blog post ❤️ Thank you!
Thank you for the feedback, I genuinely appreciate the comment. And I can’t express enough what a fun night this makes! Tag me if you ever host your own, I would love to see how it all plays out!
Rebecca Gardner
It made sense when you said that matching the food and decorations to the theme of the party can help improve the ambiance during the event. I want to get some of our close friends together and find a murder mystery game to play for my husband’s birthday party this July. I’ll have to start doing some research about themed food we can serve to make the party as memorable as possible!
If you do a mafia themed night, you can make Italian Food. One we did was Vegas themed, so there was a lot of neon and the food really didn’t matter but it was a blast! They even hired a teenager to walk around serving people. They had the food ready the kid just had to replenish the platter and pour drinks. I think they had fun being part of the party too.