Good Remedy For Anxiety
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In the last few years I have struggled with a bit of anxiety. Since the birth of my last baby (#4), it has amplified significantly. I don’t like to share these struggles with too many people… and I say that as I write this on a public social media post. I know, the irony is not lost on me. I also know that admitting this does not make me weak, or broken. In fact, while I am a person who doesn’t like to admit weakness, my struggles make me very normal. I don’t know statistics and facts about the subject, though I bet with a quick google search I could provide them. What I do know, is that many of my close personal friends and family struggle with a number of mental health issues. I also know the stigma regarding these issues is lessening, as individuals are becoming more open and talking about their struggles; which is allowing more people to become a healthier and happier version of themselves. Okay, okay, I am getting off track. Why, if I am not a health expert or advocate, you ask am I sharing about my own struggles then? I have found a few things that have helped me personally that I want to share for those who maybe need an idea or a pick me up. P.S. I am not on medication; though I am also not opposed to it. I think it’s silly to struggle if there is medical help that can be given to alleviate pain; both physical and mental. You know I got me an epidural when offered.
My best advice and the one that almost works 100% of the time for me is simple. Just get outside and move. There is something about fresh air and moving that makes things feel “right.” I know it’s not the easiest thing to do when you are feeling down in the dumps. Really I do. I have even told my husband, the best remedy for my blues is getting me outside; help me, even if I don’t want help. So, when I am down, we put on some shoes, and hike in our own backyard (we are lucky to have huge hills literally right behind us). But a simple walk around the block, or going to the park and playing really does help. In the past I have just sat outside while my kids play around me. And as they play I have looked up at the sun and just soaked it in, and have truly breathed out negativity. Our bodies can provide a lot of the help we need naturally.

Another helpful hint is a hug and some pressure. It’s amazing what a really tight hug does. I need to try one of those weighted blankets because if I am in the middle of an anxiety attack I sometimes have my husband or a kid just lay on me and hug me. The weight of their body and their arms around me bring a sense of relief.
I also have a new love for meditation. I realize as I am writing this I sound a bit like the character Yax from Zootopia. The meditating ox/cow thing. However, I am not a great meditator; because usually when my mind wanders in the quiet it goes to the places that stress me out. But, I have been using an app called headspace at night before bed. I follow along with one of the meditating leader people and it puts me to sleep in less than 10 minutes; which is kind of amazing since nights are usually my peak anxiety hours. I swear by it and encourage others to try. (This is not sponsored by the way. It truly is what I have been using).

And again, if your anxiety is deeper it may require medication. Use it. I know people that for years were so difficult. Once they got on medication however they became a new person. Someone far more happy and pleasant. Your loved ones will be happier too, because dealing with a grump is, well, difficult for everyone.
I hope opening up about this, as uncomfortable as it is, truly helps someone else. And, if you have any more recommendations for me, I would love to hear them. I mean who doesn’t want coping mechanism to make themselves happier?!