Monster Jam is Back and Better Than Ever!
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Don’t worry Southern California Monster Jam fans because Monster Jam 2022 will be returning to Anaheim’s Angel Stadium for two more weekends of fun, noise, action, and of course MONSTER TRUCKS February 19 & 20th and February 26-27.
We had our first experience two years ago and we weren’t sure what to expect. A demolition derby, crushing cars, flips… what?
If you’ve never been you are missing out. Monster Jam is adrenaline charged, full throttled, family entertainment. And, this year Monster Jam is celebrating its 30th anniversary! What fun to witness all the excitement. Monster Jam features world-class athletes locked in intense competitions of speed and skill. Motorsports fans will witness heated rivalries, high-flying stunts and fierce head-to-head battles for the Event Championship. Engineered to perfection, the 12,000-pound Monster Jam trucks push all limits going head-to-head for points in Freestyle, Skills, Donuts and Racing competitions. The Stadium Series Champion will receive a highly coveted automatic bid to the prestigious Monster Jam World Finals® to compete for the title of World Champion, scheduled for May 2022 in Orlando.
But, now that we are “experienced” Monster Jam fans, we wanted to share some of the highlights of our night and things we were glad we heard about prior to our show, or what we learned there, which made it that much more enjoyable.

The popular Monster Jam Pit Party fan experience will return prior to every Anaheim event, where
fans can see the massive trucks up close, meet their favorite drivers and crews, take pictures and enjoy
other family-friendly fun. This unique experience is the only place that allows people to get up close
access to the Monster Jam teams and get an insider’s look at how these trucks are built to stand up to
the competition. Pit Passes are available for $20 for this VIP experience.
Extra ticket is required for entry. At the Pit Party you can see the massive trucks up close, meet your favorite drivers, get autographs (bring something to be signed with you), take pictures and enjoy other family-friendly activities. My girls were in shock to find some of the drivers were girls! And being that we are newbies to the Monster Truck world it was nice to “meet” the trucks and know who we wanted to root for during the show. The time we spent there was pretty epic! The Motorcycles were incredible! The trucks were so cool.

I totally wish we had known what an experience the pre-party was. People got there early to take advantage of the pit-party, but also to tailgate with the other fans. There were bbqs, games, music, things to buy and an overall fun, party-like environment.
The lines for everything were long! Security, tickets, parking, you name it. Plan on getting there at least an hour early and check regulations as to what you can bring in to make the whole process a lot easier.
Parking at Angels Stadium is $25. Consider taking the train in and walking over to save money on parking.
It gets cold in February once the sun goes down. Dress warm. We had jackets, hats, gloves, and even blankets to put across our laps. And I am glad we did because my kids were still cold. But, we did okay because we were prepared!

Bring them! We bought some cheap ear plugs from Target in a pack for the whole family, but if you have noise cancelling ones it might be even easier… especially for kids. I think I put our youngest (almost 2 year old’s) ear plugs in at least 15 times. But, those trucks get loooouuud. You’ll be happy you have them, and you will save a lot of money not needing to buy them in the stadium.
You can bring your own food (as long as it’s not in a cooler or in bulk) into the stadium. Water and sports drinks are permitted but no metal containers. My younger two kids have short attention spans so I was very glad to have a bag of snacks for them during the show. Of course you can buy the food in the stadium and it looked good. The hot cocoa was very tempting on a cold night.
Get your Monster Jam tickets early because they sell out fast. As I was picking up my tickets I overheard people trying to buy them at the window next to me and they were all sold out. And, all seats in the stadium will give you a good view, so don’t worry where your seats are located. You really can’t go wrong.

This really is a fun event. We were able to see the most notable monster trucks like Grave Digger, Son Uva Digger, MaxD, Brodozer and BroCamino during our show and they were awesome. The show had 3 parts: a race, a 2-wheel competition, and the fan-favorite free-style. I wish there would have been some car smashing, but I am not going to lie, I really thought the whole night was just awesome! My husband and I both walked to the car talking about what a great time it ended up being. So, I’m basically saying… GO!
Angel Stadium of Anaheim
2000 Gene Autry Way,
Anaheim, CA 92806

- Ticket prices start at $25!
- Pit Passes available for $15 each.
- Pit Party Early Access Pass pricing starts at $35 each.
Tickets will be available to purchase online at Ticketmaster.com **Ticket prices subject to change – additional venue/ticketing fees may apply.
Date & Times
Angel Stadium of Anaheim will have three adrenaline-charged weekends on January 22 & 23; February 19 & 20 and February 26 & 27, 2022. Specifics down below.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
- Event Time – 6:30 PM
- Pit Party open from 2:30 PM–5:30 PM (Saturday Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
Sunday, January 23, 2022
- Event Time – 2:30 PM
- Pit Party open from 11:30 AM–1:30 PM (Sunday Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
Saturday, February 19, 2022
- Event Time – 6:30 PM
- Pit Party open from 2:30 PM–5:30 PM (Saturday Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
Sunday, February 20, 2022
- Event Time – 2:30 PM
- Pit Party open from 11:30 AM–1:30 PM (Sunday Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
Saturday, February 26, 2022
- Event Time – 6:30 PM
- Pit Party open from 2:30 PM–5:30 PM (Saturday Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
Sunday, February 27, 2022
- Event Time – 2:30 PM
- Pit Party open from 11:30 AM–1:30 PM (Sunday Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
See Other dates or locations near you https://www.monsterjam.com/en-US/tickets
Anaheim Angel Stadium Health & Safety Policies
Monster Jam continues to monitor changes to government mandates, public health guidelines and industry standards and is working closely with venue partners to adjust protocols for the safety and wellness of guests based on state and local requirements.
Please monitor Angel Stadium for health and safety entry requirements, which are subject to change. During this time requirements are as follows.
- Face Mask Policy
– Face coverings are not required for fully vaccinated individuals. – Unvaccinated guests will need to wear face coverings, except while actively eating or drinking.
*No backpacks
We hope you have a roaring good time!!!